Jefford on Monday

Alcohol labelling – taste first, then look
Andrew Jefford suggests we’re getting it wrong about alcohol – with disastrous consequences.

The good and the right
Andrew Jefford considers the significance of comfort zones in wine appreciation.

Barbaresco – myth and reality
Andrew Jefford discovers the unexpected after taking a closer look at the divide between Barbaresco and Barolo.

Jefford on Monday: Big frost is back – but why?
Andrew Jefford looks north for an answer...

Of schist and schists
Andrew Jefford talks about how rocks in some of the world’s greatest vineyards are formed — and addresses one of the key wine questions of our time...

Wine’s ready reckoners
Stuck in a vineyard with no wifi? Getting confused with your hectares and acres on the other side of the Atlantic? Andrew Jefford crunches some numbers and gives his advice...

Classic wine, trusted wine
Andrew Jefford weighs up why some wines are trusted more than others, and what producers can do to inspire trust.

Scoring for value
Andrew Jefford says anything else is just not possible...

Wine choices in the new free world
Andrew Jefford remembers his visit to Donald Trump’s winery in Virginia, and considers boycotts old and new amid an unstable political climate across the so-called free world.

Letter to a young wine taster
After three decades of wine tasting, Andrew Jefford passes on some of what he’s learned.