Corte Sant'Alda, Campi Magri, Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore, Italy 2013


Highly recommended

Country: Italy
Region: Veneto
Producer: Corte Sant'Alda
Alc: 13.5
Drink: 2016-2022
Buying link:
Online shop: SinoDrink
Note: Please consult local distributor for the retail price

Corte Sant'Alda, Campi Magri, Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore, Italy 2013 Corte Sant'Alda, Campi Magri, Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore, Italy 2013
Cherry pie aromas with floral and leafy overtones. Wild red fruit and stalky bramble flavours and an assertive structure. A fun, super lively wine that needs a bit more time.

Back to 5 quality Valpolicella Ripasso from Veneto, Italy

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