Sylvia Wu / 吴嘉溦's articles

Chinese customs reject foreign wines on quality grounds
[Infographic] Official reports show that excessive preservatives and copper in imported wines are among the top reasons for Chinese customs to reject during the first half of 2015.

Australia fuels Recovery in China wine imports
[Infographic] Powered by a strong increase of Australian wine imports in both value and volume, Chinese bottled wine imports has shown moderate signs of recovery during the first six month of 2015, according to custom figures.

Quality control association for icewine producers formed in northeast China to reinforce the regional brand
China has recently launched a trade association for icewine producers. Located in Liaoning province, it aims to standardise the production process and reinforce the regional brand.

Younger and more sophisticated drinkers mark a new era for wine in China - study shows
Younger and more sophisticated wine lovers in China are more interested in trying a wider array of styles from beyond the classic regions, according to the latest Wine Intelligence research.

Chinese military logistics group to fuel smaller-scale wine imports through e-commerce channels
One of the biggest military logistics companies in China is set to cooperate with a B2B wine e-commerce platform, showing evidence of the government’s efforts to support smaller-scale wine import businesses.

China, Australia seal trade deal with wine tariff action plan
The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) was officially signed by the two governments earlier this month, as further details on stages of tariff reduction in the next five years were announced.

Changyu chief winemaker: embrace the ‘new norm’ of Chinese market (Part I)
[Monthly Interview] China’s wine market is still seeing rapid development and domestic producers must embrace the challenge, according to the chief winemaker at Changyu, the company that introduced large-scale wine production in the country, in an exclusi

Chinese wines featured at Vinexpo to demonstrate rising quality
A variety of Chinese wines were featured at Vinexpo tastings to ‘further improve the image’ of the country’s wine production amongst the international trade, when domestic producers are still focusing on the domestic rather than export market, said offici

French and Chinese authorities to create ‘smart corridors’ for wine exports to China
French customs has reached an agreement with the Chinese quarantine authority to further reduce the time it takes wine to pass through China's border, said French officials at Vinexpo.

South Australia wine producers to seize the exports re-boost brought by ChAFTA
South Australian wine producers are seizing opportunities to boost their wine sales in the Shandong province, as part of the recently signed China Australia Free Trade Agreement.